Elementary School Education

Educational Resources

At a young age, it’s really important to stay on track with and get a head start on an academic career. Here you will find a just a few of the many resources available for kids of all grade levels.

Khan Academy

Khan Academy is a really popular learning site where you can learn ANYTHING. Just pick your grade level and discover the variety of subjects it has!


Scratch is a creative sandbox kids can use to create their own animations and start learning how to code. If you are interested in coding, give it a shot!!

STAAR Test Help

The STAAR test is a really big deal for youth starting around 4th grade, and it’s really important for students to know that there’s a lot of resources out there for them. Here, you can find a couple of resources that can get you started on discovering these resources.

Old STAAR Tests

This link will take you to every single STAAR test in history, and you can use these to practice and learn.


IXL is a great app to help practice for the STAAR. You can download the app anywhere, and do quick, easy exercises that are focused on what you need to know. They track how you’re performing and tell you how to improve.  Get more info on the app by clicking on the link!